Saturday, July 19, 2008

Egad, Why am I so slow?

Oh wait I know, went to Mexico for the wedding, my apt got broken into in NYC, had encounters with the homeless guy living in the trash room who prob was the robber, moved to Chicago, and have been looking for a job. Just got the job! Hooray.

Now: On to the pictures from Thom and Jesse's Wedding, April 5, 2008 in San Miguel De Allende Mexico


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Palm Springs, CA

Seriously, when can we go back?

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Puerto Rico

A long rainy weekend in Puerto Rico. At least we got a chance to walk along the water and check out the Puerto Rican Water Cats? And yes, thats an iguana...and a dead bird. Righto.

ISRAEL...better late than never?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Since we're doing a little catch up here

and I'm deeming the US as part of the "world tour" HED has a few more 2007 Locations
Provincetown, MA

Chicago, IL

There were also trips to CO and a stop in LA, but no pics to speak of :)

Oh and lest we forget

February 14-18, the Hell's Kitchen crew decamps west to Palm Springs, CA for a much needed holiday. I'm sure pictures will be highly entertaining.

San Miguel de Allende

Next stop for HED on this trip around the world is San Miguel de Allende for Jesse & Thom's wedding. April 2008.

We seem to be making a little progress, though none of it together. Jenny needs to post pics of the Puerto Rican Water Cats. I'll let her fill you in there.

2008, better late than never